Creating a movement of excitement and bringing hundreds of people together to bring joy and happiness.

Nominate A School Employee​

What is Nominate a School Employee?
It is a campaign TAF started called CampaignYOU! In this campaign the general public nominate Teachers, Custodians, School Bus Drivers, Cafeteria Workers, Counselors, and everyone involved in the school system to receive an award at our Annual Awards Show.
Why Nominate?
Without your nomination we can’t properly show appreciation to all of the hard-working individuals who teach our students. We want to make sure they know the public cares about their efforts and passion to educate our students..
What Does the Nominee Receive?
We surprise them at their school, sometimes with balloons, flowers, or a gift card and invite them out to the TAF Awards Show.
The top seven nominee’s will be presented with an award at the Annual Awards Show. Runners up will also be acknowledged and receive certificates... (numbers are subject to change...)
How Do You Nominate a School Employee?
Simply fill out the short nomination form below.
Tips on How to Write an Award Nomination
Include specific, detailed examples of how the nominee went above and beyond daily job responsibilities.
Start with one sentence. Sum up the nominee’s qualifications.
Use bullet points. It is not necessary to format the nomination as paragraphs— you may provide information in a bulleted list.
Describe the nature and quality of the contributions and accomplishments.
Include specific, detailed examples of how the nominee went above and beyond daily job responsibilities.
Speak from the heart. Share how the nominee helped you or other clients..